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Remedial Massage

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Remedial massage aims to remedy or to make better.


You may have low back pain from sports, your physical job, or sitting at a desk, protracted shoulder blades, problems with breathing mechanics, sciatica, or be recovering from a muscle, tendon or ligament injury.


A full postural assessment and movement tests will be performed in order to identify short muscles, and areas of tension or dysfunction.


Remedial massage tunes into the tissue so work is targeted at the right depth.  The slow nature means the body can get used to the pressure and a deeper treatment can be given without triggering a nervous system stress response.


Massage strokes such as effleurage, petrissage, and friction are used to warm and relax, with advanced techniques such as joint mobilisations, neuro-muscular technique (NMT), positional release, soft tissue release (STR), and muscle energy technique (MET) to remove tender and trigger points and lengthen short muscles.

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