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Sports Massage

Leg Injury

Massage helps athletes prepare pre-event.  It warms and stimulates tissues, readying them for activity.

This massage is light to moderate pressure and fast paced. 

It can also be performed during event breaks to keep tissues warm.


Massage post-event helps return tissue fluid to the system and can reduce the after effects of DOMs.  Strokes will be light to moderate, slow and work with venous return.  If desired, gentle neuro-muscular technique (NMT), soft tissue release (STR) and muscle energy technique (MET) can help to stretch tight muscles and address trigger and tender points that have developed.


Massage can be booked for a specific event or used to help general training and recovery.  This is particularly useful at the start of the season to help the body adjust to the increased activity demands.


Events I have worked at:





To book me for an event, please send me a message on the contact page.


Please note:  Massage should always be used in conjunction with a warm up and cool down, never as a substitute.

Bath half 2020.jfif
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